Tuesday, February 24, 2009

British India - God Is Dead Meet The Kids

The Melbourne lads have just released the second film clip from their sophomore record 'Thieves', thoughts?


Anonymous said...

i'm still trying to work out if i've missed something. or maybe i'm just over thinking it. what did you think? rad blog btw

Samantha said...

Thank you, I loved it for it's unusual nature. It's different to their other clips in a sense there isn't ever really a story, but in 'God Is Dead Meet The Kids', there could be one or one hundred stories.
Creepy in a good way :)

Anonymous said...

i'm still undecided. god is dead is my favourite off the album, and the video is certainly different but it was hard trying not to laugh at it. could have been matt's mad drawing skills...

Samantha said...

It's all ... close? haha.

I'm more a Mona Lisa Overdrive fan, personally.

As far as artwork goes, I believe Matt has the skills.

gp said...

perhaps a tad too close? hehe
and i think nic totally wanted to be batman ha

but i am still undecided too. i can't decide whether to accept it as simplistic theme that allows us to read what we will into it, like you say, or if it is sly a self indulgent attempt be post modern that would have taken a lot of make-up remover to erase.

and it kinda looks a fair bit like this late of the pier clip

or perhaps i'm just being picky :)