As overrated as they are, everyone has at least one.
One that we honestly believe we will not commit to, but sweeten ourselves with the mere entertainment of thought that we might hold true to it.
I do this every year.
And it's the same, save money, eat less McDonalds, stop cutting my hair on impulse.
I never listen to anyone, let alone myself but in the spirit of self belief I will attempt to commit to some musical resolutions.
Thou shalt listen to Fleet Foxes!
After mounting pressure to do so I've become ignorant and have purposely been avoiding this apparent "amazing band" .. There's too much pressure when you tell me they'll do to me what Arcade Fire did the first time.. Big shoes to fill but Kevin, Ally.. I will, in 09.
Thou shalt seek help for singing Metro Station!
This explains itself. And that's the biggest secret I'll ever tell you..
Apart from the fact I bounce around my bedroom in my underpants.. "shake, shake, shake, skake-eh, shake it!"
Thou shalt listen to more rap music!
I always forget how much I love it and thanks to some slammin' battles with Michelle Abraham at a certain concert back in October, I've rediscovered my love for 90's rap. Ah, bask in the broke poetry.
Thou shalt cease talking about attending The Hopetoun on a Monday night, and do it!
Again, self explanatory.. Lisa, this one is on you to help me through.
And of course, the obvious...
Thou shalt blog more often!
With my weekly contribution at MTV lightened, I should have more time to pleasure your eyes and ears and hopefully make this a better blog.
Well kids, it's been an interesting year but that's not all from me yet..
I will fill you in with some very me top 5's before the year is through but fuck.. make it a rockin' 08 and go out in style.. I know I will.
peace ...x
1. i'm going to see them in jan yyaay
2. oh i do that too.. we don't need help.. it's perfectly normal.. felix needs help though.. when we went to the blue mountains he & i were making dinner one night and he had his ipod on repeat, shake it, over and over and over again
3. and you paid me out for that!
Monday is the new Saturday.
No actually it's more Sunday is the new Friday while monday is still Monday but possibly worse due to the Friday-esque-Sunday the night before.
All signs point to monday being the poor cousin of the week. Unless it's a long weekend, then Monday becomes Jesus.
You know what this means? I read your blog.
Well Hopetoun any night you feel like ridiculously hot chips from that random shop and any night I feel like getting too sauced on bad house wine.
I actually no longer care if you listen to Fleet Foxes or not. So the pressure's off. Go buy Dept Of Eagles instead...
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