So after picking up my tickets, my plus one calls me in an apologetic rage, something about two hour bus rides from Bondi, who knows? But basically is running late.
In this time, my brain is exploding from stress, trains, no trains, cabs, traffic and phone calls. So whilst I'm regrouping out the front of The Enmore Theatre, I have some time to observe the crowd and oddly need a cigarette, what's that you say? You don't even smoke? I know!
Note to self; in next life, start easy listening Indie/Pop Band = gets girls, lots of them and underage ones too! You'd be hard pressed to find someone old enough to vote, let alone old enough for any of these guys (who prefer) to bag. So all in all it was your average underage gig, this part I had forgotten about.
Even though I am late, the kind people at Sparkadia were nice enough to give us standing tickets, which I didn't expect.
Did I mention it was at least 100 degrees outside? Sweaty Youth in slogan T-Shirts. No doubt Mothers are waiting in cars just blocks away.
By now, I look like either a scalper or a hooker just wallflowing against the promo signs, though my night gets immediately cooler when Alex (the front man of Sparkadia) calls me himself to see where I'm at. First I'm like "SHIT MICHELLE HURRY UP" thinking I was in trouble, though quite the opposite. He kindly tells me it's okay and I can just hand out some flyer's after the show to make good. Sounds good. Be cool, hand out a flyer and also stop talking when he tells me he has to finish his dinner now, haha. Sam, Sam, Sam.
So when I make it inside, there is some nu metal hip hop type thing going on. The guy claims he is homegrown and a proud Sydney sider, though his American accent throws me, could be because I had had a few vodkas but I am kind of confused all the same.
Soon enough, Sparkadia take the stage, just affront a projected image of Mr Lion, who is featured on the cover new record 'Postcards'. Their sound floods the room, but I still compare it to their free show, which I snuck in through the back door due to full capacity at The Annandale. The echos always get me but I am disappointed with the lack of response from the full room. They're great, they sound like no one else, and Alex's voice is so classical yet it works wonders for their sound. I just genuinely love their music. They four piece played all their hits and closed with 'Animals' featuring a fun little instrumental at the end. Now, with love, the instrumental wasn't as smooth as I would of liked it to be, but it was pulled off and Sparkadia went out with a bang, no doubt some fans were made if they were otherwise unaware of this smooth like honey talent.
Sam hits up Thai across the road with BYOB Verdi (NO CORKAGE! CRAZY) and gets all drunk and missed most of Faker.
Eh. I return, Enmore has admitted everyone, and whilst not full capacity, still jumping, even if it all 16 year olds.
Now, is it just me, or is Faker lead singer Nathan Hudson THE sweatiest dude alive? He is so theatrical in all physical performance, I almost expect him to break into liturgical movement. Not so lucky.
Hudson also states they owe their success to last years radio killer 'This Heart Attack' and kick into the song. It's true, at least they're grateful for the hit maker, no Cobain angst towards the mainstream and it's refreshing to witness an act be thankful for success outside an award speech slurred over vodka breath.
Closing with 'Hurricanes' & 'Quarter to Three, the two songs I actually like, they did okay and I move towards the door to do my flyer duties.
Surprisingly almost everybody picked up a little flyer, suggesting Sparkadia generated a great response that night and I decide to offer one to the band members in jest, these guys are just cool. Do rate the sounds and the girl and guys themselves.
The rest of the night, not so clear but buy 'Postcards', it is probably one of the most consistent solid records this year.
Check the tour dates and beats below!