Two records in with one on the way, Bluejuice have already cracked the Aussie indie scene with their energetic funky-pop fantastica! Bluejuice have been dominating the airwaves and festivals alike since last September saw the release of the Sydney boys sophomore record 'Head of the Hawk'. The explosively catchy second record spawned the Triple J's Hottest 100 hit 'Broken Leg' which came in at an impressive #5. So, I had a chat with with Jamie Cibej (Bass) from Bluejuice back in April, here's what went down.
First things first, congratulations on the overwhelming response to your Big Day Out tour 2010. Inflatable lizards and giant spiders were just one thing to mention from this years smashing summer performances. Will the lizard be back?
Thank you very much. We actually intended to use that lizard again on the Good Vibrations tour, but it got lost for over a month. It turned up eventually, in some store-room at Sydney airport. For that reason, we’ll be limiting our giant props on this tour, and relying more on impractical costumes and offensive loudness.
One stand-out question for me as a Melbourne Big Day Out Patron - those now infamous yellow jumpsuits you guys flaunted onstage, did it ever cross your minds to add a little stuffing? If so, weapon of choice?
We like to think the flaws in the band are our most charming features, and this includes our tiny wangs. I did get to hide mine behind a guitar though.
What was your greatest experience on this year Big Day Out tour?
The guitarist from Mastadon doing an erotic impression of our female fans. The sight of an imposing tattooed man dancing whilst pretending to pleasure his female self will remain with us always.
Tell us about your most awkward tour experience. Have you ever walked in on anyone 'in the middle of it' in a dressing room or committed a band-on-band faux pas?
Oh please. The only thing anyone in a dressing room is ‘in the middle of’ is playing some game on their iPhone or eating a sandwich. Jerry accidentally did a poo in a stranger’s hotel room once though – that was reasonably awkward for him.
Bluejuice busted onto the scene in 2007 and excelled through 2008 and onward, how important do you think Triple J's support was in getting the gospel out to the people?
Triple J were absolutely essential. Despite the songs being irredeemably crap, they played some stuff from our first two EPs in 2003 and 2005, so they’ve supported us for a long time. And obviously since they’re national, regional touring is made easier.
In 2009 you guys were nominated for two ARIA Awards, what are the plans for this year? World domination? I hear you've been labeled a militant political group from the Maldives?
You attempt one coup d’etat and everyone labels you a militant – it’s so hard to get ahead in the Maldives. This year we’ll be going overseas and also recording our third album. We’ve been annoying audiences with our new tunes for a while now so it’s time to record them, though we don’t know where, or with whom we’ll be doing it.
And last but not least before you lads embark onto the tour, can we expect more jumpsuits in the future and is there a chance of a Bluejuice line of jumpsuits for the average Joe?
We thought about getting some of those purple Broken Leg skipping tracksuits made, but figured that not to many people want to walk around looking like grapes. And as far as the yellow jumpsuits go – those things need to be destroyed. They are disgusting.
Check out more info on shows and all things Bluejuice here.
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