Saturday, September 18, 2010


There are a lot of reasons why I stopped posting here, all of which I don't think I can get into or even need to. Those reasons have since faded into the sound of music and the passion I had forgotten. Writing to me is second only to music, and for a while there I got a little lost along the way.
There's nothing more intimidating than falling out of the loop and trying to recapture what you had and as time passes things get more and more on top of you. You lose the inspiration.

So, after one day sitting in my office feeling rather pathetic and irrelevant, I decided to get back into it. Get involved. I've seen a lot of music this year and have since relocated to Melbourne, so things may be a little different.. I hope y'all are still on board with me.

Please look forward to reviews from some of our favourites, some new guys on the scene, international and local reviews and I'd love to hear all of your tracks.

This blog was created in July 2008 -- no matter how much I lost faith, I never had the heart to close it.

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