Since the release of California's Silversun Pickups sophomore LP 'Swoon', I've been dying to see them tour here in Australia. With every major festival line-up announced without the four-pieces presence, I began to feel like I was holding my breath beneath a sheet of ice. So, when Silversun Pickups appeared on the bill for Coaster Festival, I damn near spat my morning Coca Cola all over my Mac screen. Not to slag off Coaster, I mean it has done reasonably well in its own right, I just didn't expect this line-up to be the one to boast one of my favourite bands.
Angst aside, only momentarily, I was filled with joy. You may remember when I went through my huge Silversuns phase last year. I think that 'Carnavas' and 'Swoon' have been two of the more pivotal new records to me in the last two years. Although, frequently compared to Smashing Pumpkins, I sincerely shrug off the similarities and enjoy the music wholly and entirely as a standalone act.
There was more coke spraying when it came to light that Silversuns would NOT be playing their own sideshows, but only supporting Australian snorelax act Birds of Tokyo. I think the outrage was taken to the streets and the revolt got us here in Melbourne a very lucky chance to be the only city to see the band play their own show. The tickets went for a mere $30 or so, and sold out within minutes at The Corner Hotel.
On the night, Sydney lads Papa VS Pretty lads took to the stage first and performed to a near full house. PVP showcased some of their newer material, the crowd swaying and hypnotised. I was interested if people were there just to be early, but I saw many people mouthing the lyrics to 'Heavy Harm' and my frozen heart felt warm inside.
The Corner Hotel is a pain in my fucking ass when it comes to their bastard poles, so there was much moving around to get a look at Mr Brian Aubert and co. as the band graced the stage. Immediately falling into 'Swoons' 'Growing Old Is Getting Old', Aubert swayed playfully side to side and twisted his way through the song, swallowing the entire room with his distinctive vocals.
The set then moved into 'Carnavas' single, 'Well Thought Out Twinkles'. It was in this song I really noticed the talent of drummer Christopher Guanlao. His technique almost seems like it comes from some kind of emo-punk background. Call me an anti-percussionist but I very rarely notice a drummer but Guanlao is one talented fucking guy.
The four-piece played a healthy mix of both records, highlights include personal favourites 'The Royal We', 'Future Foe Scenarios' and 'Catch & Release'. It was clear the crowd favourites were 'There's No Secrets This Year', and an epic performance of 'Panic Switch'. There's just something so enchanting when Aubert lullabies ' I'm waiting and fading, floating away', followed by the crowd losing it as the song swings back in to chorus.
It was quite an interactive show, with bassist Nikki Monninger sweetly telling us a joke I still don't understand, all the while looking a million bucks. Also, there was a lot of apologies for an uncouth performance in 2007 at the Ding Dong Lounge, followed by a few references to Supper Club? I can only imagine what Melbourne did to Silversuns last time around, however they seem to look back on it affectionately hence choosing us as their only show. Eat shit, Sydney.
The set progressed from 'Panic Switch' straight into 'Carnavas' mega hit 'Lazy Eye'. This was a fine fucking performance and it was everything you would hope it to be. This song could honestly make a constipated Nazi smile.
After much applause Silversuns disappeared into the shadows of backstage and many wondered what else they could possibly close with, some even began to stray towards the door. I have always said the last three songs off of both records are my easy favourites, so when the band reappeared to play 'Substitution, 'Three Seed' and 'Common Reactor', it's fair to say I laid an egg right then and there.
It really was a perfect set full of the expected reverb and distorted guitars and all the songs I hoped they would play. I even caught them again at their supporting show the following Friday. Both shows were pretty fucking perfect and I can honestly say it was worth the wait.