Friday, October 15, 2010

Top 15 Album Tours I'd Step Over My Own Mother For

So, I am always trolling the Internet for lists, I am a list kinda person, maybe I’ve read High Fidelity too many times or maybe I have too much time on my hands.. anyway, this morning I stumbled across and their list for ‘Most Wanted Album Tour’. With a lot of major bands touring their prized records it’s becoming quite the trend. The first example I can think of is when Sonic Youth toured ‘Daydream Nation’ in its entirety back in 2007. No, I didn’t go. Yes, it still hurts me. But with The Pixies bringing ‘Dolittle’ to our shores earlier this year and Primal Scream about to bring us the spectacular ‘Screamadelica', the people are making demands!

Fasterlouder’s list is a mix of standard classics like The Boss’s ‘Born To Run’ and Radiohead’s ‘Kid A’ which came in at top spot. It got me thinking about my top 15 albums I’d like to see tour. Some are strange choices because I mean, some records would just tour better than the way they play alone in my bedroom so they may not be my favourite offering of said band but you know the rest.. here goes..

TV on the Radio – Dear Science

Radiohead – Hail to the Thief (Could you imagine '2+2=5' annnd 'There There')

Bob Dylan - Blonde On Blonde

Interpol – Turn On The Bright Lights (hidden track included)

Broken Social Scene – You Forgot it in People

The National – Boxer

Smashing Pumpkins – Siamese Dream

Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds - Murder Ballads

Arcade Fire - Funeral

LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver

Sonic Youth – Washing Machine (mainly for Diamond Sea playage only reason I chose this over Goo)

The Smiths – The Queen Is Dead

At The Drive-in – Relationship of Command

David Bowie – Low

Talking Heads – Little Creatures

What would your dream list consist of?


Uncle Kev said...

The Pixies need to leave Doolittle alone and do Surfer Rosa, with Come On Pilgrim as the encore.

Deoxymoron said...

Nice list :D

I am also a big big fan of lists and like this blog;

he updates it regularly with best 11 songs/albums from different bands... if you scroll down, on the right there a tags for different bands. I particularly like his "top 111 cure songs"

my top 15 albums tours that I would step over my mother own for:

1. Sex Pistols- Never Mind The Bollocks
2. Cure- Disintegration
3. Libertines- Up the Bracket
4. Smiths- Queen is Dead
5. Radiohead – Hail to the Thief
6. New Order- Power, Corruption and Lies
7. Cure- Head on the Door
8. Garbage- Garbage
9. Interpol- Turn on the Bright lights
10. Darkness- Permission to Land
11. Arctic Monkeys- Humbug
12. Muse- Showbiz
13. Shins- Oh Inverted World
14. Darling Violetta- Parlour
15. Killers- Hot Fuss

Samantha said...

Rad list. I checked out the other blog. Good suggestion!