Saturday, August 30, 2008

Social Currency - Children Collide.

Social Currency is the new single from up and coming yet perfectly aged Melbourne band Children Collide.
Highly anticipated is the release of their debut album 'The Long Now' due out October 11th, it's going to be rockin'.
This track is just a taste of the flavor behind this release. Taking Triple J by storm for a couple of years now they've become famous for that incredibly catchy 'Amphibious' tune. The lyrics like all greats mean a whole lot of nothing but that unmistakable riff that makes me dance around on my bed is just one of the reasons they landed a contract with Universal.
Below is the new video for Social Currency and also some of the dates their playing in Sydney, one being the record launch at Oxford Arts Factory (my most favorite place in the world) which you can win tickets to by simply clicking this link;
www. myreg. net/checkform?force_form=1&form_id=13614)

Check em' out!
4 Sep 2008 8:00 P
The Gaelic Theatre W/The Hoodoo Gurus Sydney, New South
5 Sep 2008 8:00 P
Penrith RSL W/The Hoodoo Gurus Penrith, New South Wales
6 Sep 2008 8:00 P
Wyong Leagues Club W/The Hoodoo Gurus Wyong, New South Wales

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