Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Price of Silence - 'A Hipster Note'

There are a lot of things you will read about on OWM before I bag out Thom Yorke. To me, Yorke is the orchestrator of my heart and the 'Pablo Honey' record aside, there is very little he could to to deter my love.
The Radiohead frontman has proved himself not only a worthy musician, but as an artist, entrepreneur, and all around fucking genius. This all comes with the territory of fronting one of the most innovative and influential bands in the world. From this you can tell I am probably one of the most annoying and pretentious Radiohead fans around and would just about sell myself to get my hands on anything Radiohead related, well until today.

This morning it was announced that Yorke alongside Mark Ronson and a couple of other people I don't care about, have teamed up with British Prime Minister David Cameron to record two minutes of silence. Yep, to record two minutes of silence and wait for it ... sell it as a single.. yep, still processing the perpetual wank of this notion? Me too.

The Single is appropriately titled 'Two Minute Silence' and will be released on November 7th to commemorate fallen soldiers on Remembrance Day. Yeah, it's for a good cause, blah blah blah, and maybe I'm a bad person for thinking this is ridiculous and wanky but I give to street artists occasionally so I'm not convinced of that. It's just that this is complete bullshit? I can see it now, my fellow Yorke fans sitting alone in their bedroom being 'sooooo post-modern' listening to their two minutes of silence. How about making us our new Radiohead record, Thom? How about that? I love you but really, you can only be so 'innovative' before landing yourself in a dickload of "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS?".

And Aaron Diaz wanted to know if it was a cover or a remix of John Cage's 4'33"..


Deoxymoron said...

wow, I can literally see the hipsters sitting in the dark listening to this song. god forbid their phone rings or someone speaks and they will have to start all over again

on a similar note:
First 30secs of this video


Samantha said...

Bahaha! Marin Hannett recording silence. Gold star for relevance! May I also ask how you came about this blog? Ta x

Deoxymoron said...

well he was trying to, now he's recording tony fucking wilson :D would have to be in my top 5 movies of all time

umm I was google searching songs to listen to when angry and got a post from a year or so back or your "angry song list" :D